National Mango Day is celebrated on July 22 to honour the delicious and versatile tropical fruit, known for its flavour and several health benefits.

Famous for its sweet and juicy flavour, mango is primarily a summer fruit and it comes in all shapes and sizes and with different varieties offering a range of tastes.

The mango was first cultivated more than 4,000 years ago in India

As per Britannica, the fruit got its name, most likely, from the Malayam manna, which the Portuguese adopted as manga when they arrived in Kerala back in the 15th century.

Mango is also known to be associated with Indian folklore. It has been said that a mango orchard was given to Lord Buddha.

In 1987, the National Horticulture Board of India introduced the concept of the International Mango Festival to pay tribute to mangoes

Over the years, this annual event has evolved into a highly anticipated celebration, drawing mango enthusiasts from all corners of the country.

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