Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) faculty member, Dr Hifzur R Siddique of the Department of Zoology, has contributed a chapter on ‘Beneficial Health Effects of Lupeol Triterpene and Medicinal Properties’ slated to be published in the UNESCO - Encyclopaedia Life Support Systems (EOLSS), an integrated compendium of 20 Encyclopaedias and one of the largest repositories, dedicated to the health, maintenance and future of the web of life on the planet.
Lupeol Triperpene is considered anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-protozoal, anti-proliferative, anti-invasive, anti-angiogenic and cholesterol lowering agent.
He has been working for over a decade on the anticancer and anti-inflammatory activities of the molecule-Lupeol found in olives, tomatoes, mangoes, aloe vera, cauliflower, and multiple medicinal plants and vegetables.
“I hope that my work, which gets published in the UNESCO – EOLSS, a peer reviewed body of state-of-the-art archival knowledge edited by hundreds of subject experts will ultimately become an important part of much needed Cancer Research”, said Dr Siddique. Dr Siddique’s area of research includes the reporting of Lupeol, selectively targeting androgen dependent and independent prostate cancer.
He was also invited by the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) to present his work at its 102nd Annual Meeting in Orlando.