AR Rahman’s film production venture "99 Songs", a musical-romance drama, is all set to release theatrically on April 16.
Rahman, who forays into scriptwriting and film production with the upcoming film, made the announcement on Twitter.
"Happy to share that #99Songs will release on April 16, 2021, in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Directed by @vishweshk and featuring the talented actors @itsEhanBhat & #EdilsyVargas. @jiostudios @YM_Movies @idealentinc @JioCinema," Rahman tweeted.
Happy to share that #99Songs will release on April 16, 2021, in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Directed by @vishweshk and featuring the talented actors @itsEhanBhat & #EdilsyVargas.@jiostudios @YM_Movies @idealentinc @JioCinema
— A.R.Rahman (@arrahman) March 11, 2021
Backed by Rahman''s production company YM Movies, "99 Songs" is presented by Jio Studios. The film will play in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu languages.
"99 Songs" is directed by Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy, former frontman of the hardcore band Scribe.
Rahman has also composed the original score and 15 songs for the film, starring newcomers Ehan Bhat and Edilsey Vargas.