Television star Asif Shaikh, who plays the role of Vibhuti Narayan Mishra in the Hindi sitcom Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain, has claimed that his co-actor of the show, Dipesh Bhan, who fell while playing cricket and died, had suffered a brain hemorrhage.
Dipesh has declared brought dead by doctors in a Mumbai hospital on Saturday. Asif shared that the 41-year-old actor passed away due to a brain hemorrhage.
The actor, who plays Malkhan in Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain, had gone to the gymnasium around 7 am and on the return, he started playing cricket inside the premises of his building in Dahisar.
Quoting the late actor's family, Asif told the media that Dipesh bowled an over and bend to pick the ball. Suddenly he shook up for a while and fell and never got up. Asif Shaikh said that as Dipesh was being carried to the hospital, he was bleeding from his eyes, a sign that he had suffered a brain hemorrhage. He claimed doctors also accepted this as the cause of his death.
Asif believed that it is a possibility that Dipesh had gone to exercise on an empty stomach. Then instead of eating on return and resting, he started playing cricket, Due to incessant exercise, his blood pressure shot up.
Asif said, "He collapsed immediately."
Asif suggested that one should not over-exert himself after age 40.