G-20 Summit: PM Modi shakes hands of leaders in front of Konark Wheel

Story by  ATV | Posted by  Aasha Khosa | Date 09-09-2023
Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcoming President Joe Biden in front of the Konark week replica at the venue of the G-20 summit
Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcoming President Joe Biden in front of the Konark week replica at the venue of the G-20 summit


New Delhi

The G-20 Summit showcases yet another icon of Indian civilsation – the Konark wheel – which is installed at the Konark Sun Temple of Odisha, to the world as Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed the global leaders inside the Bharat Mandapam and shook hands with them in front of the replica of this heritage monument.

The Konark Sun Temple is a UNESCO-designated World heritage site.

The Konark Wheel was built during the 13th century under the reign of King Narasimhadeva-I.

Konark Wheel consists of 8 wider spokes and 8 inner spokes and it is 9 feet in diameter. Installed in the Sun Temple of Konark, Odhisa, it has 24 (12 pairs) wheels representing the wheels of Lord Surya's sun chariot.

Kalachakra at Konark Sun Temple

The 12 wheels signify the 12 months of the year and the 8 spokes represent the 8 prahars or time divisions of the day.The rotating motion of the Konark Wheel, symbolizes time, Kalachakra as well as progress and continuous change.

According to legend, it is said that the Konark sundial was used to calculate the exact time of day based on the position of the sun.

The sundial in Konark Sun Temple has great astronomical significance. It is said that the temple architects used their knowledge of astronomy to create the sundial, and its design is based on complex mathematical calculations that take into account the rotation of the Earth and the movements of the Sun, Moon and stars.

It can track the sun's movement throughout the day and throughout the year. The wheel was designed to align with the sun's rays at different times of the year, indicating the changing seasons and solstices. It is believed that it was used to calculate the exact time for various religious ceremonies and rituals.

It serves as a powerful symbol of the wheel of democracy that reflects the resilience of democratic ideals, and commitment to progress in society.

It may be remembered that a replica of the same was installed by the Michelin Chef Vikas Khanna at the Times Square of the New York City to showcase India’s rich traditions and culture.