Local Muslims join Christmas celebrations in J&K's Srinagar

Story by  IANS | Posted by  Aasha Khosa | Date 25-12-2022
Two men dressed as Santa Clauses in snow-clad Gulmarg, Kashmir (Twitter)
Two men dressed as Santa Clauses in snow-clad Gulmarg, Kashmir (Twitter)



Keeping up with the traditional brotherhood, a group of local Muslims joined their Christian brethren on Sunday for Christmas celebrations in J&K's Srinagar city.

Wearing Santa Claus hats, a group of local Muslims went with sweets to a local Church in the city to share the joys of the festival with the members of the Christian community.

The group of Muslims said that Kashmir has always been the meeting point of different religions and cultures and these have coexisted and blended into a great eclectic culture called 'Kashmiriyat'.

 "There have been ups and downs in our history those have momentarily shaken the edifice of our great culture, but history is witness to the fact that we have always upheld and reclaimed our legacy despite all the odds in the past," said one of the local Muslims who went to greet and identify with the Christian community during the celebrations today.

Kashmir has hosted many Christian missionaries in the past and while these missionaries have helped in growth of education and healthcare in the Valley, locals have lent support and complemented their efforts.

In addition to setting up three Christian missionary schools in the Valley, doctors from England have worked in different local hospitals to alleviate the suffering of the sick people in Kashmir.

As part of their verbal history, Kashmiris fondly recall the services rendered by Christian missionaries during earthquakes, epidemics and in routine day-to-day healthcare.