National Handloom Day: India's heritage

Story by  ATV | Posted by  Sumana | Date 07-08-2023
The national Handloom Day was first celebrated on 7th August, 2015 to commemorate the Swadeshi Movement
The national Handloom Day was first celebrated on 7th August, 2015 to commemorate the Swadeshi Movement


New Delhi

The Swadeshi Movement was launched on 7th August, 1905 from Calcutta’s Town Hall to boycott goods produced by the British government and promote the Indian products. The National Handloom Day was first celebrated on 7th August, 2015 to commemorate the Swadeshi Movement and honour the handloom weavers.

This day is celebrated all over the nation to honour the Swadeshi Movement which was the turning point in the history of India’s prolonged freedom struggle. This movement inspired homegrown industries and specially handloom weavers.

After seven decades of independence the handloom industry experienced lots of changes and it has been facing difficulties at times.  The Government of India is aware that handloom weavers and their cooperative societies are facing hardships due to availability of cheaper imported fabrics from foreign countries and hard competitions from power loom and mill sector due to high input cost & low productivity.

In India the handloom industry is regarded as one of the major cottage industries. It is one of the labour concentrated industries and the second largest employment generator after agriculture in the rural sectors

It is generating employment opportunities and supporting livelihood to the weavers who actually reside in rural areas. Unfortunately, weavers are facing financial constraints, health problem and they are poor in economic condition.

Poverty and adversities are forcing the artisans and weavers leaving this profession and searching for some other occupation in order to survive. The reduction in number of handloom weavers has been a cause of concern for government.

The problems faced by the weavers can be sorted by providing the poor weavers with some financial aids for the raw materials. With the help of technology weavers can reach the global  platform which will help and guide them to increase the foreign sales of Indian handloom products.

Exclusive website, with relevant logistics support, needs to be created to sell authentic Indian handloom products. As far as comfort and sustainability both are concerned, handlooms are regaining popularity gradually around the world.