Mansooruddin Faridi /New Delhi
The news about the death of former cricketer Sudhir Naik somewhat got buried in the glamour and glitz of the Indian Premier League. However, it took a cricketer – Zaheer Khan – to bring alive the memories of a legend.
Zaheer Khan was one among several talents Sudhir Naik had spotted and given a chance to prove himself. His loss was not only the death of a cricketer, but of a messiah who has brought many young people into the sport and they turned out to be the best.
Zaheer Khan’s heartfelt note on Twitter paying homage to Sudhir Naik also reflects on the Indian culture; this story tells how a former cricketer supported a young man who needed support. In it, Zaheer Khan tells how Sudhir Naik made Zaheer Khan ditch his dream of becoming an engineer; the trust of the man, whose words made Zaheer Khan make a cricket career.
His post on Twitter:
My first interaction with Sudhir Naik sir not only paved the way for my career in cricket but also changed my life forever. I will always be indebted to him for his trust and belief in me. He will be my mentor and guide wherever he is.
— zaheer khan (@ImZaheer) April 6, 2023
Rest in peace, Sir.
To you, Sir
It was the summer of 1996. I was 18 and had just finished my 12th board exams. My love for cricket took me to Mumbai which was about 250 km from my hometown Shri Rampur. Although an engineering student, I wanted to explore the possibility of playing professional cricket at some level.
I and my father went from one arena to another; from one gymkhana to another, but they were all very expensive. And then as fate would have it, we landed at the NCC (National Cricket Club) in Churchgate.
NCC changed my life on a hot summer day in April!
My coach told me that Sudhir Naik (Sir) wanted to see my bowling skills in the nets. It was a big deal for me - after all Sir was a former Test cricketer for India. I had never bowled with a leather ball before. I didn't even have proper cricket shoes, no training equipment, nothing. However, I knew about my game.
They bowled about three to four overs while Sir observed me, I remember clearly.
After I finished, he came to talk to me for a bit. I remember it quite clearly.
First interaction:
Sir: Where are you from?
I: Shrirampur
Sir: Which class are you in?
Me: I have just completed my 12th class exams and I want to pursue engineering.
Sir: How many marks are you expecting?
Me: I think my exams went quite well. 85%
Sir: What if there is a computer mistake?
Me: That is not in my hands, sir.
Sir: What if I make you play all Division A games in Mumbai?
Me: (Surprised and in complete disbelief) I would love that sir. Would be very grateful and give my best
Sir: But if I give you my time and effort I expect something in return. I want your commitment. Don’t come and tell me you are missing home after a few months
Me: (still stunned) I will take a break from engineering sir. You have my full
commitment. I will give it all I have
Sir: I will tell my captain to put your name first on the list. But you are already 18 and late. Everyone else started when they were 10 or 12. You have to catch up and work doubly hard.
Me: I promise you, sir. I will.
I visited him in the hospital a few days back and recalled that summer day in April.
What did he see in me? I hardly bowled for 15-20 minutes. Why did he back me the way he did? The faith he showed in me gave me the courage and confidence not only to pursue cricket but also to give up on engineering. Till then I was in a big dilemma but post that first exchange with sir it was all clear in my mind. I knew what I wanted.
Sir saw something in me that I did not. At first glance, he knew that I would play for India. He had this special ability and throughout his career as a coach and as a selector, he touched the lives of different people in diverse fields in various ways. Sir had an eye to spot talent. And then he went out of his way to nurture and mold you in a way that only he could.
He knew I was new to Mumbai and would need some funds to survive in the city. And it was Naik sir who helped me get my first job in the city that is the extent to which he cared about the people with who he was close. He had clarity of thought and was a straight shooter-diplomacy was not for him. I still remember he barred my parents from interrogating me about my progress in cricket- he wanted me to learn, grow and enjoy the game without adding extra pressure on myself.
Sir had a massive impact on my life. It is a big personal loss to me. He had always been a fighter right from his Test debut against England in Birmingham in 1974 where he top-scored in the second innings to the other challenges in life. We hoped he would win the battle this time too.
It’s April again and I keep recalling that day from the summer of ‘96. I did not know him. He did not know me. But that belief he had in me and the trust he showed in that initial conversation not only paved the way for my cricket career but it completely re-shaped and re-structured my outlook and thinking. It changed my life.
Sir will always be special to me, guiding me and mentoring me wherever he is.
Your student always,
Zaheer Khan