Eman Sakina/ New Delhi
Islam was created on the ideas of peace and harmony in order to establish love, affection, and social responsibility for everyone's spiritual, physical, and mental well-being. The name 'Islam', given to this religion by God Almighty, is an Arabic word that literally signifies obedience and peace. The Arabic root "Salema" means "peace, purity, submission, and obedience," and Islam is derived from it.
As a result, 'Islam' refers to the route taken by those who are devoted to Allah and seek peace with Him and His creation.
A Muslim, according to the Holy Prophet Muhammad, is someone who does not damage others with their words or actions. 'Peace' is the Muslim welcome, and 'Peace' will be the greeting of the inhabitants of Paradise.
Every religion or system has a set of terms that must be understood in order to have its full understanding. Islam, like every other religion, has its own set of rules. Islam is the answer to the demands of nature. It is, in fact, a counterpart of human nature. This is why Islam has been called a religion of nature in the Qur’an and Hadith.
A man once came to the Prophet Muhammad and asked him what he should do in a certain matter. The Prophet replied, ‘Consult your heart about it.’ By the heart, the Prophet meant common sense. That is, what one’s common sense tells one would likewise be the demand of Islam. What does human nature desire more than anything? It desires, above all, peace and love. Every human being wants to live in peace and to receive love from the people around him. Peace and love are the religion of human nature as well as the demand of Islam. The Qur’an tells us, and God calls to the home of peace.”
One of the teachings of Islam is that when two or more people meet, they must greet one another with the words, Assalamu-’Alaikum (Peace be upon you). Similarly, Salat, or prayer, five times daily is the highest form of worship in Islam.
This sums up the spirit of true religion, the goal of which is spiritual uplift. It is the ultimate state of this spiritual uplift which is referred to in the Qur’an as the “soul at rest.”
Thus a true and perfect man, from the Islamic point of view, is one who has reached that level of spiritual development where peace and peace alone prevail. When a person has attained that peaceful state, others will receive from him nothing less than peace. He may be likened to a flower which can send out only its fragrance to man, it being impossible for it to emit an unpleasant smell.
Islamic mysticism elevates people. It makes them think spiritually rather than materially. This spiritual elevation generates tolerance. People feel good about forgiving others. They eschew taking revenge. They return love for hatred. This kind of temperament is bound to establish peace and mutual respect. In this way, Islamic mysticism, in the practical sense, is the key to a good and peaceful society.
An important lesson to be derived from the Prophet’s life is that the power of peace is stronger than the power of violence. The power the Prophet made use of more than any other in his whole life was that of peace. For instance, when Mecca was conquered, all his direct opponents who had tortured him, expelled him from his hometown, launched military onslaughts against him, and inflicted all sorts of harm on him, and his companions were now brought before him. These people were undeniably war criminals and as such, could expect to be put to death by the victor, that being the common practice at that time. Yet the Prophet did not utter so much as a word of blame.
He simply said, “Go, you are all free.” This sublime gesture to men who stood on the threshold of the grave demonstrated the superiority of peace over violence. The result of the Prophet’s elevated moral behavior was their immediate acceptance of Islam.
Therefore, Islam promised peace and delivered peace. The later fanatical politically fuelled agendas of the extremist ‘Muslims’ that we see today have nothing to with Islam. Islam is a complete code of life and promises to deliver peace in all aspects of life. From individual to family to social to international. No other religion delivers such complete teaching without falling short on any matter.