How Torah was revealed to Prophet Moses

Story by  ATV | Posted by  Aasha Khosa | Date 06-03-2025
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Ghulam Qadir

The revelation of the Torah is an important event in the life of Prophet Moses. As mentioned in Islamic hadiths, the Torah was revealed to Prophet Moses on the sixth of Ramzan. A narration from Prophet Wasila ibn Aska also states that the Torah was revealed in the second week of Ramzan, i.e. on the sixth of Ramzan. (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith 16984)

At this time Hazrat Musa and his followers Bani Israel had left Egypt and were travelling towards Mount Sinai (also known as Mount Toor). It was there that Allah called Hazrat Musa and gave him the revelation of the Torah . This event holds an important place in Islamic history, because the revelation of the Torah was extremely important not only from a religious point of view but also from a social and political perspective.

The Torah was revealed to Prophet Moses as a special command from God to him. This book was a legal constitution for the Jewish nation , sent to regulate and organize their lives. The main message of the Torah was:

Monotheism (Tawheed): This book teaches people to worship one God and follow his orders.

Justice and social order: The Torah contained laws that were meant to establish justice, equality, and order within society.

Religious Laws: This book also gives detailed guidelines regarding religious acts, methods of worship, and sacrifices.

According to the Quran, Allah spoke directly to Prophet Moses and imparted the knowledge of the Torah to him. This event is mentioned in Sura An-Nisaa (164), in which Allah said he spoke directly to Moses.

The Torah was originally divided into five parts. These parts contained detailed descriptions of religious, social, and ethical issues. In Judaism, it is called the Tanakh or Old Testament. Its major topics include:

Tawhid (Monotheism): Worshiping one God and following His commandments.

Moral and social laws: Strict restrictions on theft, murder, false testimony, etc.

Laws Concerning Worship and Sacrifice: Jewish worship laws and teachings regarding purity.

Judiciary: Penal Code, Duties and Responsibilities of Judges.

Thus, the message of the Torah was not merely religious, but it also provided guidance to people from social, legal, and ethical perspectives.

Although the Torah was a divine book sent by Allah, over time the Jews made some changes and distortions in it. This is mentioned in the Quran. It is mentioned in Sura Al-Baqarah (Ayat: 79) that some people used to write the book with their own hands and claim it (change) was ordained by Allah.

Thus, over time the original message and purpose of the Torah were distorted. With the advent of Islam, the Quran provided the final judgment and guidance, correcting all the distorted parts of the Torah.

The revelation of the Torah was important from a historical point of view. It established social and religious order, and was presented as religious law. For the Jews, the Torah was a book that guided their spiritual and physical lives.

The time and place of its revelation are also important as it happened during the month of Ramzan, which is considered the holiest month in Islam. Moreover, during the revelation of the Torah, Prophet Moses fasted for 40 days, which is a symbol of self-purification. The tradition of fasting in Ramzan is linked to this, which gives us an important message of self-control and self-purification.

Hazrat Muhammad while referring to his community on the Day of Judgment had said,  “My community will have the greatest place.” This makes it clear that there was a deep relationship between Hazrat Musa and Hazrat Muhammad. Muslims get many important teachings from the book and life of Hazrat Musa, such as justice, patience, and trust in Allah.

The revelation of the Torah in the month of Ramadan was not only a religious event, but it was also a historical event, which gave a new direction to the social and religious status of Jewish society. After the revelation of the Torah by Hazrat Moses, the Jewish nation needed a new legal and moral framework, which the Torah fulfilled.

ALSO READRamzan: The sacred month of spiritual reflection, charity, unity

However, over time there were distortions in its message, which the Quran corrected. Today we need to learn from these important events from the religious point of view so that we follow the path of justice , faith in God and truth in our lives.