Tips for Muslim parents to guide their daughters through challenges

Story by  Eman Sakina | Posted by  Aasha Khosa | Date 20-09-2024
AI generated image of Indian parents with Daughters
AI generated image of Indian parents with Daughters


Eman Sakina

The modern world presents numerous challenges for young women, especially in upholding Islamic values. Societal pressures, shifting moral landscapes, and the overwhelming influence of media can make it difficult for Muslim women to navigate their identities while staying rooted in their faith. As parents and caregivers, our responsibility is to guide them with wisdom, compassion, and a deep understanding of both Islamic teachings and the realities. Here are some tips to support and nurture your daughters in today's world.

Friday Musings

Instil a strong Islamic identity

At the heart of guiding our daughters is the need to instill a strong Islamic identity. This means helping them understand who they are as Muslims, rooted in a deep love and understanding of Allah and His teachings. Encouraging regular prayer, recitation of the Qur'an, and involvement in the community can help strengthen their connection to Islam. However, beyond rituals, we must emphasize the importance of values such as kindness, honesty, modesty, and integrity.

Role Modelling: One of the most effective ways to nurture a strong Islamic identity is by being role models ourselves. Show your daughter how Islam influences your daily decisions, character, and interactions with others. Children often learn more from actions than words.

Understanding Their Unique Challenges: The pressures our daughters face today—whether in terms of beauty standards, relationships, or social expectations—are vastly different from previous generations. As parents, it's important to engage with them in open discussions, showing how Islam offers timeless guidance on these issues.

Encourage Confidence and Self-Worth

One of the key challenges our daughters face today is the pressure to conform to unrealistic standards of beauty and success. Social media, advertising, and peer pressure often push young women to seek validation from external sources, leading to issues of self-esteem and self-worth.

Islamic Perspective on Beauty: Teach your daughter that in Islam, true beauty is found in character, good deeds, and piety. Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an, "Verily, the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you." (Qur'an, 49:13). While outward appearance may hold significance in the world, it's the inner beauty of a person that holds the greatest value in the sight of Allah.

Promote Self-Confidence: Encourage your daughter to develop skills, pursue knowledge, and engage in activities that boost her confidence. When a young girl has a strong sense of self-worth grounded in her faith, she is less likely to seek validation from un-Islamic sources or fall victim to harmful influences.

Empower Through Knowledge

Islam emphasizes the importance of education for both men and women. Equipping our daughters with knowledge is one of the best ways to empower them to face the world.

Islamic Knowledge: Ensure that your daughter is well-versed in the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. This knowledge will serve as a moral compass, guiding her in making difficult decisions and resisting societal pressures.

Worldly Knowledge: Encourage her to pursue academic excellence and gain a broad understanding of the world. With the right balance, she can be both successful in this world and the next. A well-educated Muslim woman is better equipped to make informed decisions, protect her rights, and contribute positively to her community.

Create a Supportive and Open Environment

In today’s world, where young women are exposed to various ideologies and influences, the home must remain a place of trust and open communication. Your daughter should feel safe discussing her thoughts, struggles, and questions with you without fear of judgment.

Listen Without Judgment: If your daughter comes to you with questions about faith, relationships, or societal norms, listen attentively. Be open to her concerns and offer guidance based on Islamic principles, but always approach with compassion.

Equip Her with Tools to Navigate Social Pressures: Whether it’s peer pressure, academic stress, or media influence, help your daughter develop critical thinking skills. Guide her in making choices that align with Islamic values while being aware of the context she is living in.

Uphold Islamic Modesty

Modesty (haya) is a core value in Islam, not only in dress but also in behaviour, speech, and attitude. The modern world often promotes the opposite, with a focus on materialism, physical appearance, and immodest behaviour.

Teach Modesty as Empowerment: Rather than presenting modesty as a restriction, explain it as a form of empowerment and self-respect. Islam teaches that modesty is a form of dignity that protects women from being objectified and values them for their character rather than their physical appearance.

Lead by Example

 Demonstrate modesty in your own life, whether in dress, behaviour, or interactions. Your daughter will be more likely to adopt these values if she sees them reflected in you.

Develop Resilience and Trust in Allah (Tawakkul)

Life will inevitably present challenges, and our daughters need to be prepared to face them with resilience. One of the greatest gifts we can give them is a deep sense of trust in Allah (SWT).

Teach the Power of Dua and Patience (Sabr):

Remind your daughter that no matter what challenges she faces, she can always turn to Allah for help and strength. Teach her the importance of dua and patience, showing her that reliance on Allah is a source of immense power and peace.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity:

Life will not always be easy, and our daughters must be prepared to handle failure, disappointment, or rejection. Help her develop emotional strength and resilience, grounded in the belief that everything happens by the will of Allah and for her ultimate benefit.

Cultivate Meaningful Friendships and Community

Surrounding our daughters with a supportive, like-minded community can greatly influence their development. Positive friendships and mentors can help reinforce Islamic values and offer companionship on their journey.

Encourage Positive Peer Relationships: Help your daughter find friends who share similar values and can support her in practicing her faith. A strong support system can make it easier for her to stay true to her beliefs.

Involve Her in the Community: Engage your daughter in community service or religious activities. Being involved in the masjid or local organizations can provide her with a sense of purpose, belonging, and connection to the Muslim ummah.

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Guiding our daughters in a challenging world requires patience, wisdom, and a deep understanding of both Islamic teachings and the modern context. By instilling a strong Islamic identity, promoting confidence and self-worth, empowering them through knowledge, and fostering open communication, we can help our daughters navigate life’s challenges while remaining steadfast in their faith. Ultimately, our goal is to raise strong, empowered Muslim women who contribute positively to society and, most importantly, find success in this world and the Hereafter.