Former captain of the Indian cricket team MS Dhoni drove a tractor in his fields in his hometown Ranchi. He took to Instagram to share the video, which garnered 3.3 million views and 70,000 comments in around 18 hours.
The post has 33 lakh likes so far and marks the former captain's first post on social media after a break of around 2 years.
He wrote in the caption: "Nice to learn something new but took way too long to finish the work."
Dhoni bought the Mahindra Swaraj tractor about three years ago for Rs 8 lakh, following which businessman Anand Mahindra, chairman of the Mahindra group, took to Twitter to praise his choice and said that it was the "right decision."
Dhoni has a keen interest in farming and has been growing fruits and vegetables at his farm in Ranchi's Sambo area since the past three years.
The farm is spread over 55 acres, where mustard, cauliflower, cabbage, strawberries, ginger, capsicum etc. are grown. Most of the crops are grown organically.
Consignments of the produce are sent to other cities along with the local markets.
Dhoni also has around 80 cows in his farmhouse, their milk is sold in the local markets.
Apart from this, he also has chickens of Kadaknath breed.
Dhoni visits the farm whenever he is in the city and his wife Sakshi, along with his childhood friend Seemant Lohani, were seen with him several times.
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Sakshi often shares videos of the farm on social media.