Afghans smile because of you: Afghan envoy to India

Story by  ATV | Posted by  Aasha Khosa | Date 01-07-2021
Afghan ambassador to India Farid Mamundzay
Afghan ambassador to India Farid Mamundzay


Malick Asghar Hashmi/New Delhi

“This is India; Love, respect, values and empathy... It’s because of you that the Afghans smile and cry less.”

These are the words of Afghanistan’s ambassador to India, Farid Mumundzay, after meeting an India doctor in Delhi..

Sharing his experience on meeting the said doctor on  Twitter, Ambassador Mumundzay said he was so overwhelmed by the Doctor’s response of not accepting his fees after he knew that his patient was an Afghan.

When the ambassador asked him the reason for not accepting money, the doctor told him that this is the least he could do for an Afghan “One can’t charge (fees) to a brother,” the doctor said, apprently referring to the good relations between their two countries.

Recalling this incident, Afghanistan's Ambassador Mumundzay says, 'I have no words for gratitude.' He then describes India and Indian culture in these words - "This is India: love, respect, values ​​and compassion."

The Ambassador of Afghanistan to India has shared all these things in Hindi from his official Twitter handle. Along with this, hashtag Afghanistan and hashtag India have also been written. Although the name of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not mentioned in Twitter, but indirectly he points to it in the tweet.