IMF trashes remarks in USCIRF report on India's religious freedom

Story by  ATV | Posted by  Aasha Khosa | Date 27-06-2024
Leaders of India Minorities Foundation with Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Leaders of India Minorities Foundation with Prime Minister Narendra Modi


New Delhi
Indian Minorities Foundation (IMF) has condemned the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) report that asks the US government to bracket India alongside countries like Afghanistan, Cuba, North Korea, Russia, and China as a country of particular concern (CPC).
In a strongly worded statement, the IMF said that the USCIRF report raises the question 'if this body is  conducting itself as an agent of conflict instead of an instrument of harmony as it .”
The statement said, “the USCIRF's attempt to lump India, the world's largest democracy-with countries like Afghanistan, Cuba, North Korea, Russia, and China highlights the misdirected nature of its activism. Its failure to recognize India not only has a robust constitutional framework, a vibrant civil society, and a long history of pluralism is a telling commentary on how the USCIRF has lost its way over the years".
News Agency ANI posted the statement of the India Minorities Foundation on X:
The statement says that unlike the authoritarian regimes mentioned in the report, Indian Federalism with its autonomy to states on matters such as law enforcement gives different regions the constitutional freedom to formulate and enforce laws in a manner no different from American Federalism.
"Flawed comparisons with non-democracies highlight the USCIRF's failure to understand the nuanced reality of India's religious freedom landscape and discredit genuine concerns about human rights violations globally."