Iran disbands Morality Police to end protests

Story by  ATV | Posted by  Aasha Khosa | Date 05-12-2022
An Iranian woman protesting against Iran during the FIFA world cup in Doha (Twitter)
An Iranian woman protesting against Iran during the FIFA world cup in Doha (Twitter)


New Delhi

The Ebrahim  Raisi government in Iran has disbanded its “Morality Police” and also promised to review the country's compulsory Hijab law in response to the growing anti-government protests since the death of a young woman Masha Amini of alleged torture after she was arrested for showing a part of her hair under the head scarf two months ago.

Iran’s attorney general Mohammad-Jafar Montazeri said the country had disbanded the Morality Police and is considering changing the law that requires women to cover their heads in public.

Montazeri said the law that made it compulsory for women to wear Hijab in public was under review by Iran’s Parliament and judiciary.

President Raisi announced this move in a televised speech on Saturday, saying Iran’s Islamic system was enshrined in its constitution but  “There are methods of implementing the constitution that can be flexible.”

However, the US based iranian Human rights activist Masih Alinejad, who has been actiove in spreading information about the protests inside iran said the disbanding of the Morality police was a deviation and the protesters want end of the Islamic regime. She posted a recent video of the Morality Police abusing women inside Iran on Twitter:

Western media reported that it’s unclear if Montazeri’s comments come after a high-level decision by the Raisi government to make important changes in enforced Hijab law or just a gesture to placate the angry Iranians and defuse tensions.

However, a civil-rights activist in Tehran, said already the morality police had vanished from the streets given the growing protests against enforced Hijab law since the protests began. They feared that once the protests end the government was likely to resume using the police or create another mechanism to enforce the anti-women law.

ALSO READ: Iran’s anti-Hijab movement rooted in economic woes

A decision to formally disband the morality police would likely involve Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who has strongly defended mandatory hijab in recent years, and the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, a government panel appointed by Mr. Khamenei that created the police force.