JeI Hind chief Saadatullah Hussaini calls for peace in Bangladesh

Story by  ATV | Posted by  Aasha Khosa | Date 07-08-2024
President of the Jamaat Syed Saadatullah Hussain
President of the Jamaat Syed Saadatullah Hussain


New Delhi

Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, one of the largest socio-religious organizations of Muslims in India, has expressed concern over the conditions in Bangladesh. President of the Jamaat Syed Saadatullah Hussaini appealed to the authorities in Dhaka to take immediate and decisive action to restore peace and stability in the country.

Hussaini said, “We unequivocally condemn these violent acts and demand immediate measures to ensure the safety of minorities and other vulnerable groups.”

In a statement, Syed Saadatullah Hussaini said, "Jamaat-e-Islami Hind expresses deep concern over the current situation in Bangladesh and its far-reaching consequences for the region. The current unrest in Bangladesh is a direct result of the Sheikh Hasina government's dictatorship and heavy-handed approach to governance.

The January 2024 elections in Bangladesh were marred by allegations of unfair practices and rigging with the opposition boycotting the election process. This weakened the foundations of democracy and eroded public confidence in the political system.

Additionally, the previous government's attempts to suppress dissenting voices through vendetta politics were extremely disturbing. Prominent opposition leaders were unjustly jailed, which hindered democratic dialogue and increased political tensions.

Saadatullah said, "The Sheikh Hasina government's response to the protesting students was highly violent and repressive and caused a war-like situation.

During this period, all the victims must get justice and those responsible must be punished. The interim government must initiate the democratic process without further delay to ensure that free and fair elections are held, and a truly representative and democratically elected government is established that reflects the aspirations of the Bangladeshi people.

Media reports indicate that miscreants are taking advantage of the unrest to damage property and perpetrate atrocities on innocent citizens, especially those belonging to minority communities.

It is heartening to note that a large number of citizens and members of civil society are coming forward to ensure the safety of religious places and properties of minority communities. “

Measures must also be taken to ensure that the internal situation in Bangladesh does not become a security threat to the region and neighbouring countries,” he said. We also appeal to the protesters and the general public to give priority to restoring peace and order in the country.

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“Protecting the lives and properties of minorities and vulnerable groups is imperative to maintaining social harmony. Jamaat-e-Islami Hind stands in solidarity with the people of Bangladesh in this challenging time and hopes for an early resolution of the crisis, paving the way for a peaceful and prosperous future for all," Saadatullah said.